Midlands Green Quakers network brings together those with environmental concerns for monthly learning and support

Concern about the environment has moved Quakers in the Midlands to create a network to explore sustainability and climate justice together. They meet online each month to deepen their understanding, share ideas, ask questions and support each other spiritually and practically.

protestor holding colourful plaque saying 'We stand together for climate justice'
Midlands Green Quakers network meet monthly on zoom to share ideas, spiritual support and concern for climate justice. Photo Credit: Michael Preston for BYM.

Sarah Shaw, Local Development Worker for the East Midlands set up the Midlands Green Quakers network in 2022. Initially the network was open to Friends in the East Midlands, but has since expanded to include Quakers from the West Midlands too. Now in its third year, the network brings together Friends from across the region who share a concern for sustainability and climate justice.

The group meets monthly on zoom, providing Friends with opportunities to share stories and ideas, offer support, and build a shared sense of purpose and community. Each month Sarah arranges for guest speakers to talk about their climate justice activities. Recent presentations have included Berkhamstead EcoHub, Footsteps: Faiths for a Low-Carbon Future, and Quaker Concern Over Population.

For this autumn's sessions, Sarah will be facilitating a series of workshops on the theme of ecological spirituality. She is also co-organising a one-day retreat in Leicester in mid-October; 'Hope in the Dark: Spiritual Nurture for the Earth Crisis' will provide Friends from the region with an opportunity to spend time together in spiritual exploration and fellowship.

Midlands Green Quakers