Cockermouth Friends vigils for peace
Since the outbreak of war in Ukraine, Cockermouth Friends have met every Friday morning in the town centre for a 30 minute vigil to witness for peace.
“Quakers have stood for peace since our beginning in the 17th century after the bloody Civil Wars," explains David Day, a Cockermouth Quaker. Continuing to meet for these vigils to witness for peace, Friends uphold all people affected by war and violence, including those in crisis in Israel and Palestine at present.
At the end of September, ten Cockermouth Quakers used Quaker Week to further increase their visibility with a new banner, a table with some of our reading material for people to take away, and an 'A frame' board with an invitation on each side to join meeting for worship. In addition, the new red Simple, Radical, Spiritual posters were displayed at four points in the town with the one in the library lobby being particularly striking, surrounded by a sea of white posters.