Overview leaflet
An introduction to the peace and social witness work of Quakers in Britain (PDF) 2024 - physical copies available
- Quaker peace postcard to print off and hand out at actions (PDF)
- Nuclear Weapons: Frequently Asked Questions - February 2016 (PDF)
- Quaker Peace & Social Witness Trident briefing (PDF)
- Advice for Friends in times of war - October 2014 (PDF)
- Peace Week - Peace Week resources | Quakers in Britain
Climate justice
To order physical copies, contact climatejustice@quaker.org.uk.
- Climate Justice: A Quaker View (PDF) – physical copies available
- Taking Action on Climate Justice (PDF) – online only
- Insure Our Future postcard – July 2024 (PDF, 2.5MB) – physical copies available
- Make Polluters Pay postcard – July 2024 (PDF, 2.3MB) – physical copies available
- Canterbury Commitment to becoming a low-carbon community - October 2011 (PDF)
- Green advices & queries - 2002 (PDF)
- Build Back Better 2020 – (PDF) sessions plans and worship sharing guides
Exploring Faith and Climate Justice Course
- Climate Justice Glossary (PDF)
- Module 1: What is climate justice? (PDF 7.4MB)
- Module 2: Loss and damage: exploring historical responsibility and reparations (PDF 4.1MB)
- Module 3: Climate justice and the new economy (PDF 3.6MB)
- Module 4: What happens if we don't focus on justice? (PDF 3.5MB)
- Module 5: Living in right relationship with the Earth (PDF 2.8MB)
- Module 6: Solidarity in social justice (PDF 3.3MB)
Please let us know how you've used these resources and share your feedback.
Economic justice
- Britain Yearly Meeting statement on inequality - April 2014 (PDF)
- Britain Yearly Meeting statement on inequality - March 2012 (PDF)
- Build Back Better 2020 – (PDF) sessions plans and worship sharing guides
New Economy booklets and session plans :
- Booklet 1 - What is the economy for? (PDF) and session plan (Word). What should the aims of economic policy be? What are the ways to measure economic success?
- Booklet 2 - Good work in the new economy (PDF) and session plan (Word). This booklet examines employment and business structures to enhance human and non-human life.
- Booklet 3 - Energy in the new economy (PDF) and session plan (Word). How can we transition to a green and fair energy system?
- Booklet 4 - Money, banks and finance in the new economy (PDF) and session plan (Word). How could the banking system and money creation be fairer?
- Booklet 5 - The role of markets in the new economy (PDF) and session plan (Word). How are markets framed within capitalist economies and how do new economy markets differ?
- Booklet 6 - Ownership in the new economy (PDF) and session plan (Word). A reviews of the political power of ownership and examples of progressive and sustainable models for property stewardship.
- Booklet 7 - Building the new economy (PDF) and session plan (Word). The final installment of the series sets out the resources, actions and ideas that are fundamental to our future economic wellbeing.
- Meeting for discernment session plan (Word .doc) to close the series and provide space for reflection, we have designed a session that will support discernment on building the new economy.
- Build Back Better 2020 – (PDF) sessions plans and worship sharing guides
Migrant justice
- Sanctuary everywhere 2018 (PDF)
- Sanctuary everywhere manifesto 2018 (PDF)
- A Quaker Statement on Migration 2020 (PDF)
- Quaker Asylum and Refugee Network website (external link)
- List and map of sanctuary meetings (offsite link).
Faith in Action resources
- Toolkits for Action
- Faith in Action newsletter
- Quaker Faith in Action Video
Faith relations
About our faith
- QCCIR webinar: What it means to be a non-credal church (YouTube) - April 2021
- We are but witnesses: Quakers and marriage equality (PDF) - 2009 – Marriage equality and the theological underpinnings of the decision of Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends to recognise same sex marriages.
- A spirit-led church - January 2016 (PDF)
- A spirit-led church study guide - August 2015 (PDF)
- To Lima with love – Baptism, eucharist and ministry: a Quaker response (PDF) - 1987
- Nature and mission of the church - March 2009 (PDF)
- The changing face of faith in Britain: How should Quakers respond? - 2019
- Part 1: The changing face of faith in Britain (PDF)
- Part 2: The spirituality of new Quakers (PDF)
- Part 3: Charting Quaker ecumenical and interfaith involvement (PDF)
Working with other churches or faiths
- Quakers and other faiths - July 2015 (PDF)
- Quakers and the ecumenical agenda - June 2009 (PDF)
- Local churches together leaflet - 2007 (PDF)
- Covenants and constitutions supplement to 'Local churches together' leaflet - 2007 (PDF)
- Remembrance Day events (PDF)
Peace education
- A4 Quaker Peace & Social Witness posters
- Northern Friends Peace Board also have a stock of historic peace posters (offsite link).
There are many beautiful handmade, Quaker banners around the country, why not make your own?
But we do have banners to order and print for you to put up in meeting houses or when you host your own vigil. To borrow a banner from Friends House, please email qpsw@quaker.org.uk.