Quaker Earthcare Gathering - 24–27 October
How might our Quaker faith and our Quaker communities help us to respond to the Earth crisis?
Join us for this residential weekend – which will be part of a broader community-building process – to explore how our Quaker faith and communities can help us to meet the Earth crisis with hope, strength and compassion.
Our time together will be deeply rooted in worship, and will include a children's programme, short talks, workshops, discussions, practical activities, music, dance, art and much more. Organised by Quakers in Britain, Living Witness, Quaker Support for Climate Action and others.
£375 for adults, £120 for children from 6-16, and £20 for 0-5-year-olds. Financial support available if needed. Contributions invited for a bursary fund. Local and Area Meetings, please decide now how many places you want to book!
We'll announce open online meetings in February to identify needs and contributions and begin shaping the programme.