Search results for 'Quaker Testimonies'

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Climate & economic justice

The spiritual basis for Quaker climate action

Updated 13 December 2023

Generations of Quakers have handed down a sacred commitment to the 'unity of creation'. To live out this commitment, Quakers are taking action to protect the climate and foster sustainable forms of prosperity.

The spiritual basis for Quaker climate action

Climate & economic justice

Climate justice

Updated 7 August 2024

As our current economic system fuels inequality and climate breakdown, Quakers seek just responses to these intertwined crises.

Climate justice

Climate & economic justice

Recovering from the pandemic

Updated 13 December 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic has affected everyone around the world. It has also laid bare the deep inequalities in our economic system and society, where 'normal' was failing millions.

Recovering from the pandemic

Our stories

Young Quaker climate strikers call for support from Friends

Updated 19 September 2019

Unified climate action can bridge intergenerational divides and protect our living planet, writes Faith Biddle

Young Quaker climate strikers call for support from Friends


Working with the government on climate policy: what we’ve learned

Updated 4 October 2018

We know that confronting our climate crisis requires us to embrace fundamental changes: to our lives, what we buy, how we use energy and other resources. Through our Quaker worship and our witness, we seek a truer way of living – one that allows our testimonies to flourish.

Working with the government on climate policy: what we’ve learned