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Filtered by subject 'peace'

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Our stories

Peace Hub – Quaker Peace & Justice Centre

Updated 19 January 2016

As Quakers we are called to act for peace and justice. Peace Hub seeks to provide a centre from which an inclusive community is inspired to take up this call. Peace Hub is a new venture launched by Central England Quakers in November 2014.

Our stories

The courage of our convictions

Updated 7 January 2016

Over the past two years South East Scotland Friends have been developing a concern about increasing militarisation in society. We heard that Edinburgh was to be a focus for Armed Forces Day, and thought it would be a good opportunity to make our concern more public. We planned a joint witness with the Scottish Peace Network.

The courage of our convictions

Our stories

Creating the Teach Peace Pack

Updated 7 March 2016

At the same time as my granddaughter joined a school cadet force, in order to complete her A-Levels, Armed Forces Day loomed large. On investigating the educational resources available to schools from the armed forces, I realised there needed to be peace resources just as well-produced and relating to curriculum and syllabus, as a balance.

Creating the Teach Peace Pack


Quaker film questions the militarisation of education

Updated 15 March 2016

Quakers in Britain launch public debate about the militarisation of education by releasing a short film: The Unseen March.

Quaker film questions the militarisation of education


Quakers oppose expansion of cadets in state schools

Updated 19 August 2015

In July's Budget, the Chancellor announced £50million to expand cadet forces across 500 state schools. This is the latest evidence of the creeping militarisation of schools by the Department for Education.

Quakers oppose expansion of cadets into state schools


Quakers take action against military drones

Updated 23 October 2015

In national Quaker Week, Quakers in Britain are protesting against the use of military drones. Saying that all life is sacred, Quakers hold that drones devalue human life and undermine international law.


White poppies and remembrance

Updated 10 November 2015

In the run up to Remembrance Day Quakers, along with many others, will be wearing white poppies. Some choose to wear both red and white poppies.

White poppies and remembrance


1915 a turning point in Quaker history

Updated 10 November 2015

New resources from Quakers in Britain draw parallels between Quaker work for peace in 1915 and today. The Testimony, is a fictional newspaper inspired by Quaker activities in World War I, while Remembering for Peace is a new assembly outline to encourage children to think about the impact of war and ways of remembering for peace.


Quakers respond to terrorism

Updated 16 December 2015

As Parliament prepares to debate next steps in Syria, Quakers in Britain have made this statement.

Quakers responding to terrorism


Quakers oppose military action in Syria

Updated 14 November 2016

This week Parliament prepares to vote on military action in Syria. Quakers in Britain oppose this, consistent with our belief that killing is wrong.

Quakers say no to military action in Syria