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Selly Oak Quaker Meeting

Meeting details

Meeting size


When we meet

Sunday at 10:30am

On the 1st Sunday of the month meeting for worship is held at 2.30pm . Rooms are let to voluntary organisations.

Children and young people

Weekly Children's meeting.

Contact details

Phone number:

07854 421 959



  • Wheelchair access
  • Wheelchair accessible toilet
  • Parking
  • Hearing loop

Accessibility notes

Meeting accessible to wheelchair-users via side entrance, including toilet and car-parking space. Hearing loop.

Domestic white Neo-Georgian design house with black roof.



The Quaker Meeting House
930 Bristol Road
Selly Oak
B29 6NB

View directions to here on Google Maps

How to find us

When coming south from the city centre along the Bristol Road (A38), meeting house is situated on left just after the start of the grassed dual carriageway in Selly Oak. It stands well back from the road, with an entrance drive. Buses: 61, 63 and from Smallbrooke Queensway near to New Street Station outside Boots Pharmacy pass the entrance. The nearest bus stop is just after Selly Oak crossroads, a 4 minute walk away. with a request stop just before. Station: Selly Oak, 3/4 mile. 61 and 63 bus stop on same side of road as station. Parking for about 16 cars.