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Central Bristol Quaker Meeting

Meeting details

Meeting size


When we meet

Sunday at 11:00am

For room hiring phone warden on 0117 329 7503. Meeting for worship also held on Wednesdays at 5:15pm.

Children's meeting


We do not have a children and young people's meeting. However, we are happy if parents wish to bring their children, provided they make provision for their care.

Contact details

Phone number:

0117 942 2177



  • Wheelchair access
  • Wheelchair accessible toilet
  • Hearing loop

Accessibility notes

Meeting accessible to wheelchair-users, including toilet. No hearing loop.

Brick bungalow and car park with large lettering reading 'Central Quaker Meeting House, Religious Society of Friends'.



Friends Meeting House
Champion Square
St. Pauls

View directions to here on Google Maps

How to find us

Champion Square is at the west end of River Street behind the Cabot Circus Hotel and the Cabot Circus car-park at the city end of M32. Vehicle access is via Temple Way. Turn left immediately after the Future Inns. Central Bristol bus station is 5 minutes walk. Station: Bristol (Temple Meads), 15 minutes walk, or 8 or 9 bus. The meeting house has a small car park.