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Bakewell Quaker Meeting

Meeting details

Meeting size


When we meet

Sunday at 10:30am

Spiritual exploration meetings each month; meetings for learning. Please contact us for details. Meeting House Manager is Charles Monkhouse

Children's meeting


Children and young people are welcome. Please contact us if you plan to come to Meeting for Worship. Children and teenagers meet for outings, cooking and other events from time to time.

Contact details

Phone number:

07943 845 745


  • Wheelchair access
  • Wheelchair accessible toilet
  • Parking
  • Hearing loop

Accessibility notes

Meeting accessible to wheelchair-users, including toilet and car-parking space. Hearing loop.

Large stone building.



Friends Meeting House
Chapel Row
DE45 1EL

View directions to here on Google Maps

How to find us

Take A6 Matlock Road from town centre. Chapel Lane is beside Methodist Church. Limited car parking in courtyard. Nearest car park in Granby Road.