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APR 22

Truth & Integrity Group global online meeting for worship

22 April 2025

The radical and swift changes to the political landscape across the world that have taken place over the last few months have left many Friends concerned, fearful and disturbed. We are inviting Friends worldwide to join us in discerning a way forward.

The Quaker Truth & Integrity Group (QTIG) has been concerned at the decline in truth and integrity in public affairs, primarily because of its deleterious effect on democracy. We now see Democracy around the world being undermined.

In this changed landscape, we are asking "What are Quakers called to do?" We are inviting Friends worldwide to join us in discerning a way forward.

We feel that it is important for us to hear a broader, more global perspective because although QTIG's work is focused on Britain, the global order is shifting and we are aware that the way that looks from other corners of the world will be different to how it looks to us. We do not consider the global order as it was in any way perfect (far from it). And there may be opportunities for the global community in the changes we see, even if (or because) they are so very uncomfortable and frightening. We also offer this opportunity as a contribution to wider discernment in the Quaker world.

To ensure that we capture concerns and ideas correctly, we will record the sessions. These recordings will only be used to help the Quaker Truth and Integrity Group's Steering Group document correctly the fears, hopes and ideas shared within the meeting and to help us plan our work. They will be destroyed once that exercise is completed.

If there are outcomes from these two Meetings for Worship which might inform future actions, we will summarise and share them with those Friends who participate in the meetings and with the leaders of the 4 FWCC sections and FWCC.

More information

For more information contact:

Quaker Truth & Integrity Group


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Date & time

Start: 09:00 on 22 April 2025

Finish: 11:00 on 22 April 2025


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