Talking Peace
20 February - 27 March 2025, Online
Quakers are known for their deep commitment to peace, but what is peace? At this moment where war and conflict are so present in the world, this course is for anyone interested in exploring the Quaker peace testimony and how it may be evolving today.
In this online-course, we will create a worshipful, exploratory, collaborative learning space together, where we will:
(1) practice peaceful conversations together (drawing on models such as Non-violent Communication and Insight Dialogue) and
(2) talk about peace, bringing the Quaker peace testimony into conversation with a variety of different perspectives from outside the Quaker tradition, including those of Thich Nhat Hanh, Etty Hillesum, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Peace Pilgrim, Erich Fromm, Ivan Illich, Thomas Berry and more...
Together we'll explore:
Over the six weeks of this course, we will encourage you to take a couple of hours each week to engage with the resources provided, to reflect and then to share your experiences, questions, ideas and insights on the Moodle online platform. There will also be six live sessions, during which you will spend time in small groups (in Zoom break out rooms) so come prepared to participate actively and share.
More information
For more information contact:
Telephone: 01217282360