QCEA/QPSW joint conference: registrations open!
20 - 22 June 2025, Brussels
You are invited to participate in Faith in action in an age of permacrisis: Exploring the possibilities, understanding the tensions. The conference is organised by Quakers in Britain and Quaker Council for European Affairs and will be held in Brussels.
It is an opportunity to acknowledge the challenges we face and to reflect together on how we respond to them, individually and collectively.
You will:
- learn more about Quaker work on climate justice, community peace work and alternatives to militarism
- explore how and why Quakers work in different ways at different times and in different contexts and how we manage tensions in our work
- consider new and effective ways in which you can be involved
- get to know Quakers from across Europe who want to work for social change
Space is limited so please register as soon as possible.
More information
For more information contact:
Quaker Peace & Social Witness