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SEP 16

Quaker Eco Church Network: Steps to Accreditation

16 September - 13 February 2025, Online

Does your Meeting wish to make meaningful steps towards sustainability? Would you appreciate support in your journey? The Quaker Ecochurch Network helps Meetings share experience, achieve eco-accreditation, and act on our commitment to sustainability.

Taking Meetings through the A Rocha accreditation one section per session. This is far from a 'tick box' exercise. The accreditation covers wide-ranging elements, of which property is only one aspect. This is about living our faith as Local Meetings, being patterns and examples in our local communities, and pushing for bolder ambition on all levels (individually, locally, nationally and internationally).

We will be joined each week by friends who have completed the accreditation process and speakers with Quaker (and other) experience relevant to each section. A webpage will be available with further resources to support your Meeting on its journey toward greater sustainability.

Doing something practical and tangible such as this, that's within our power, can help instill a sense of purpose and meaning, not to be underestimated in these challenging times. It's often difficult to know where to start when faced with such complex large-scale issues. So, we're offering a helping hand.

There are many Quaker meetings who have already achieved the Eco Church Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards. The patterns these Meetings offer shape our collective way forward. We welcome you to join the growing Quaker Eco Church Network, and to do what's within your power locally.

Session 1 – Worship and teaching

We will share the new Quaker Eco Church Network guidance for this particular section. We will be joined by Jacky from Devises Local Meeting who have achieved a Silver award. Jacky was part of a Quaker Eco Church Network working group who developed some specific Quaker guidance for this section.

Session 2 – Buildings

We will be joined by Judith Leary Joyce who has extensive retrofitting experience. It is important to highlight that it possible for Meetings to achieve the accreditation even if they do not own the building they meet within.

Session 3 – Land

We will be joined by Jan Sellers from Wanstead Meeting where there is an active Quaker burial ground, labyrinth and a forest school in their grounds (The forest school is not itself a Quaker initiative, they hire the woodland space). We will also refer to one of our recent Eva Koch scholars' projects that focused on Quaker gardens.

Session 4 – Global and Community

Speakers from Quaker Support for Climate Action and Transition Town networks will feed in about their activities. We will also cover current campaigns worked on centrally by Quaker Peace and Social Witness.

Session 5 – Lifestyle

How can we be patterns and examples within our communities? What can we do as individuals within our Area Meetings and how can we uphold and inspire each-other in this? Recognising that collectively our individual actions have a larger impact. This session will incorporate ideas for greening your finances from Rosie Venner at Just Money Movement.

Session 6 – Children and young people

An essential element when considering they are the generation who will be impacted the most by climate breakdown. Whether or not your Meeting has a children's meeting there may be other ways to engage with young people in your lives and in your local community through Schools and other groups. Rachel Krishnaswami will offer some examples from her experience and share resources.

Come along to find out more and begin making contacts and connections to support your meeting in its journey towards living our commitment to act as a faith community inspired by the 'Canterbury Commitment' (minute 36 of Britain Yearly Meeting 2011).

Eco Church is a non-denominational award scheme to help Churches move to a sustainable future. For more information:

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For more information contact:


Telephone: 0121 7282360

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Date & time

Start: 00:00 on 16 September 2024

Finish: 00:00 on 13 February 2025


United Kingdom

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