Four Doors to Meeting for Worship
1 - 22 April 2025, Online
Would you like to refresh or deepen your experience of shared worship by studying a short modern Quaker classic in the company of others? Join us in this course to explore William Taber's Pendle Hill Pamphlet, 'Four Doors to Meeting for Worship'.
William Taber's Pendle Hill Pamphlet 'Four Doors to Meeting for worship' offers deeply spiritual but practical guidance for our attempts to pay attention to the Divine. His advice encompasses not only the time of shared worship itself, but also the vital role that preparation and mindful departure play in the quality and depth of our worship.
Over the first four weeks of this course, we will discuss each of the four 'doors' recommended by Taber, with a few pages of preparatory reading and reflection to do before each live session. You'll also be encouraged to put some of his advice into practice and reflect on the experience with other participants. The final session, x weeks later, will be an opportunity to review together what we have learnt and whether we have experienced a difference in the quality of our worship as a result.
This course will have something to offer to those who are just discovering the Quaker way of worship, and just as much to those who have been worshipping as Friends for years – there is always room for deepening our relationship with the Divine through worship.
Because it is difficult to get hold of copies of this Pendle Hill pamphlet in the UK, we will post a paper copy of the pamphlet to each participant before the beginning of the course. This is included in the course fee.
The live Zoom sessions take place at 19:30-21:00 (UK time) every Tuesday with a follow up session on Tuesday 10 June
More information
For more information contact:
Telephone: 0121 7282360