This event has ended.
Family Day
2 June 2017, London
This free event is a great opportunity for children, with an accompanying adult, to visit, find out about and enjoy Friends House and learn more about the work that goes on here. This could be a meeting excursion or a family day out. Adults will stay with children all through the day.
There will be a chance to hear about Quaker peace and social justice work, to visit and find out about the Quaker Library, to visit the Quaker Centre, with its bookshop and worship space, and to learn lots more about Friends House. The day will include stories, talks, activities and worship.
Friends House is opposite Euston Station in London so is easy to get to. Refreshments will be served but please bring a packed lunch .
More information
For more information contact:
CYP Admin
Telephone: 020 7663 1013