Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for Yearly Meeting Gathering. Please check back regularly as this page will update as the event draws near.

For general support and enquiries, please contact the Yearly Meeting team by emailing


What is the theme of Yearly Meeting?

  • This year, we will ask Friends to consider Integrity and Truth and we will discern Yearly Meetings formal role in steering the Society of Friends and how this is best kept continuous and relevant.

Who can I contact about the theme?

Documents and preparation

What do I need to do to prepare for Yearly Meeting?

  • Documents for Yearly Meeting seek to prepare Friends hearts and minds to engage with the focus and business of the Yearly Meeting. Friends should read through these documents before Yearly Meeting

When will documents in advance be available?

  • Preparing for Yearly Meeting will be published in early March.
  • Documents in advance will be published online ahead of Yearly Meeting. The documents will be published Monday 17 June.

When will I receive documents in advance?

Events and programme

How do I find out what is happening and when?

  • An overview timetable will be available on our documents page. from late spring
  • About three weeks after your registration booking has been processed, you will be given access to the online Yearly Meeting planner (also known Sched). On this website you will be able to view the detailed information about the programme and choose the events you wish to attend.

Once I have registered for Yearly Meeting will I be able to attend all events?

  • Once registered you will be able to book a place in any event or Yearly Meeting session you wish to attend. You will need to do this online, using the Yearly Meeting planner (also known as Sched).
  • Download our guide to using the Yearly Meeting planner. or watch this video to find out how to use the online planner. (Pressing play on the video below will set a third-party cookie. Please see our cookies page to find out more.)

Why do I need to reserve a space to attend a Yearly Meeting session?

  • You need to reserve a space to attend Yearly Meeting Sessions at Friends House to ensure we are within safe capacities to run the event.
  • You need to reserve a space to attend Yearly Meeting Sessions online as there are technical limits on the number of participants in one Zoom meeting. It is not possible to have more than 1000 at a time. You may have attended or heard of other Zoom events with thousands of people present. This would have been a Zoom webinar which does not allow us to see each other and share ministry.

Will accommodation be provided?

  • No, if you plan to attend Yearly Meeting in person, you will need to arrange your own accommodation. Please see the bookings page for more information about possible accommodation options, You book and use these venues at your own risk and BYM accepts no liability for any issues arising.
  • Friends shouldn't be put off coming to Yearly Meeting because they can't afford it. If you need help with costs for Yearly Meeting, please speak to Friends in your local or area meeting or your worshipping community. They can often help. If they can't, you can ask for help from the Yearly Meeting bursary fund.

What happens if an event is full?

  • If you try to book for an online event that is fully booked, you will be placed on a waiting list. As soon as a place becomes available, you will be booked for the event and notified.
  • If an exploration session you would like to attend is full, then you are expected to respect the guidance of room stewards to ensure that we remain with in safe capacities.
  • If you are unable to attend, please cancel your place so that it can be offered to someone else. While this is automated, the earlier you cancel the easier it is for those who may be able to take your place.

Support and help

I want to receive support at Yearly Meeting, who can I speak with?

  • Pastoral Care and Yearly Meeting Elders are available to support Friends at Yearly Meeting, whether you plan to attend online or in person. Pastoral Care offers support for Friends who may need emotional, social or spiritual support. Yearly Meeting Elders offer prayerful support and oversight in Yearly Meeting sessions, with drop-in time following each session.
  • Information about how to contact them will be available in Agenda and Notes, please see our documents page

Where can I receive technical help?

Will there be someone to help me online?

  • In all Yearly Meeting sessions there will be support staff to help Friends with technical problems. Yearly Meeting Elders will also offer prayerful support and oversight, and the Pastoral Care group will be present for Friends at a dedicated time each day. Your meeting may also be able to offer support and technical help.

Who can I contact about accessibility?

  • Please email our Yearly Meeting team at: for any accessibility requirements.

Will Yearly Meeting sessions be accessible?

  • Speech to text and closed captions are available at every Yearly Meeting session. Speech to text is also available as a live transcript. Our meetings will be held on Zoom. Closed captions are accessed on Zoom by a closed caption button, which will be available to participants on the day.

I'm unhappy with someone's behaviour

  • 'Our Community Agreement (PDF)' sets out how we will look after each other as part of an online gathering. Behaviour such as bullying, harassment and verbal abuse is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. The document 'Policy and Procedures on bullying harassment and verbal abuse' sets out how we will respond to and address these actions and/or behaviours, at both live and virtual events, and any issues arising on social media sites.
  • Any reports around bullying, harassment and/or verbal abuse can be made both during the event and after the event. Where possible try to resolve the conflict through informal means. However, if this is not possible you should initially approach Yearly Meeting Elders with your concern.

Registration and bookings

Why is there a booking deadline?

  • Our registration deadlines help us plan registration, staffing, catering, and ensure we are within safe capacities. We also arrange reasonable adjustments promptly after bookings close. Additionally, deadlines for under 18's helps us tailor plans to group sizes. Processing late registrations requires significant staff capacity during a critical planning period.

Do I need to register?

  • Yes. All participants at Yearly Meeting need to register for a place in advance, whether you plan to attend online or in person.

When is the registration deadline?

  • Registration will close for Yearly Meeting and the Children and Young People's programmes on 15 June.

What information is required to register?

  • You will be asked for your contact details, information about your meeting, and your age. We will also ask if you have any accessibility needs or requirements which we will need to be aware of to help you participate in Yearly Meeting. You have the option to let us know the name and contact detail of an emergency contact.
  • Please read the full terms and conditions (PDF) (substantive changes and additions since 2024 can be read in the Appendix).

Who can come to Yearly Meeting?

  • Yearly Meeting is open to all Quakers throughout Britain - members and attenders, adults and children. Friends from overseas are welcome to attend, but please indicate in your registration form whether or you are a representative of your YM or attending in a personal capacity. When you register, we will collect information about your meeting or worshipping community.

How do children register?

  • Children can be registered online, use the main registration link and choose the appropriate form.
  • Participants age 16 and over may, if they wish, attend events and sessions outside the Youth, Children & Families programmes. If they plan to attend these events and sessions independently from an adult, they will need to complete the main Yearly Meeting registration form.
  • Participants under 16 years may only attend events and sessions (in person) outside the Youth, Children & Families programmes if accompanied by a responsible adult who is registered for Yearly Meeting.

What do you do with my data?

  • In order to run Yearly Meeting we will need to add your details to our contacts database and to third party suppliers we are using to assist with running this event, including and Mailchimp. If you are already on our database we will update our records based on what you have entered on the registration form. If you are not already on our database we will only hold your details for the purpose of organising this event. In this case, after the event, we will remove your details. We recommend you read the following privacy policy's and statements the Mailchimp privacy policy ( and the Zoom privacy statement ( Zoom will be used for the online elements of Yearly Meeting.
  • If you would like to speak to our team about data protection, please email

Contact us

For help and support contact the Yearly Meeting team by email or telephone:

020 7663 1040